You can build a basic head using a Sphere cut off at the sides for the cranium, a cylinder cut in half for the face and a smaller cylinder for the neck. When first learning to sculpt the head it's a good idea to start at the very basic level of shapes.
The face really can tell a story, and these tips are designed with that in mind. Sculpting heads from imagination for me is probably one of the most fullfilling parts of being a digital sculptor, there's nothing quite like creating something from scratch that people can identify with. In a world of 3d scans and overused basemesh's we want our sculpts to stand out from the crowd, have a presence and identity of their own. Whether you're sculpting a bust, a full character or a large scene, heads and faces are likely to be a strong focal point in your work. Unless you're from another planet and don't know where to look, our faces are our most important feature. How can you sculpt unique looking faces with a sense of presence? Here are my own tips to help you make your head sculpts even better…